D.C.-Area Students to Compete at Junior Achievement’s National Student Leadership Summit

D.C.-Area Students to Compete at Junior Achievement’s National Student Leadership Summit

Two Junior Achievement (JA) of Greater Washington student teams have been selected to compete at the virtual Junior Achievement National Student Leadership Summit (NSLS). The students will compete in the three-day event, June 22-24, against other teen entrepreneurs from across the United States.

STUDY: 68% of 16- and 17-Year-Olds Plan to Work this Summer – Same Level as Pre-Pandemic

STUDY: 68% of 16- and 17-Year-Olds Plan to Work this Summer – Same Level as Pre-Pandemic

A new survey of teens conducted for Junior Achievement by the research firm ENGINE Insights shows that two-thirds of 16- and 17-year-olds (68%) plan to work this summer. Nearly the same percentage of teens in that age group (69%) who planned to work in the summer of 2019, based on a similar survey taken pre-pandemic.

Survey Finds 2020 High School Graduates Delayed College Plans, Concerned about Financial Security 

Survey Finds 2020 High School Graduates Delayed College Plans, Concerned about Financial Security 

COVID-19 has significantly impacted how teens are thinking about their financial futures, prompting 25 percent of 2020 high school graduates to delay their college plans in the face of reduced financial support from parents and guardians because of the pandemic, according to a new survey from Junior Achievement (JA) and Citizens.